Other Famous Names of Crops, Vegetables and Fruits | फसलें, फल व सब्जियों के अन्य प्रचलित नाम – One liner

हमारे AGRIFIELDEA में आप सब का एक बार फिर से स्वागत है । आज हम इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से जानेंगे कि जो विभिन्न प्रकार के फसलें, सब्जियां व फल है उनको और किस-किस नामों से जाना जाता है । (Other Famous Names of Crops, Vegetables and Fruits)

दोस्तों यह जानकारी अलग – अलग प्रकार के पुस्तक व Internet की सहायता से ली गई है । हमें उम्मीद है कि यह जानकारी आपको पसंद आएगी ।

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Other Famous Names of Vegetables and Fruits –
फसलें, फल व सब्जियों के अन्य प्रचलित नाम –

Other Famous Names of Crops, Vegetables and Fruits

A. Famous Names of Crops :-

S.No. Other Name of Crops Crops
1. King Of Cereals Wheat 🌾
2. Queen of Cereals Maize 🌽
3. King of Pulses Chickpea
4. Queen of Pulses Pea
5. King of Oil Seeds Groundnut 🥜
6. Queen of Oil Seeds Sesame (तिल)
7. King of Fodder Crops Berseem
8. Queen of Fodder Crops Lucerne
9. Also called Camel Crop Sorghum
10. Poor men’s Meat Soybean
11. Also called Wonder Crop Soybean
12. What is called Yellow Jewel Soybean
13. What is called Golden fiber Jute
14. Drosophila of Crops Maize 🌽
15. Also called Backbone of America Maize 🌽
16. King of Coarse Cereals Sorghum
17 King of Weeds Congress Grass
18. Also Known as Bio Energy Plant Jatropha
19. White Gold Cotton
20. Brown Gold Dead Pupa of Silk Warm 🦋


B. Famous Names of Fruits And Vegetables –

S.No. Other Names of Fruits And Vegetables Fruits/Vegetables
1. King of Vegetables Potato 🥔
2. Queen of Vegetables Okra/Ladyfinger
3. King of Fruits Mango 🍋
4. Queen of Fruits Mangosteen
5. National Fruit of India Mango 🍋
6. National Flower of India Lotus 🌸
7. King of Temperate Crops Apple 🍎
8. King of Nut Crops Walnut
9. Queen of Nut Crops Peanut 🥜
10. King of Flowers Rose 🌹
11. Queen of Flowers Gladiolus
12. King of Spices Black Pepper
13. Queen of Spices Cardamom
14. Queen of Beverage Crops Tea
15. Tree of Heaven Coconut🌴
16. Also Known as Poor men’s Apple 🍎 Guava 🍐
17 Poor men’s Fruit Ber
18. Poor men’s Friend Potato 🥔
19. King of Arid and Semi Arid Fruits Ber
20. Miracle Fruit of China Kiwi fruit 🥝
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