आज हम इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से जानेंगे कि कृषि के क्षेत्र में जितने भी बदलाव या क्रान्ति आयी है उनके जनक (Father of all Deciplines in Agriculture | Father of all Sectors in Agriculture) कौन कौन है ।
Father of all Deciplines in Agriculture | Father of all Sectors in Agriculture
विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में जनक या पिता (Father) उसे कहा जाता है या माना जाता है जो किसी विशिष्ट विषय (Subject) के बारे में सबसे पहले शोध करता है । और उसके बारे में गहन अध्ययन करने के बाद अपनी जानकारी लोगों तक पहुंचाते हैं ।
दोस्तों आप लोगों से निवेदन है कि अगर आपको हमारा पोस्ट अच्छा लगता है तो कृपया इस पोस्ट को शेयर करके और जरूरतमन्दो तक शेयर करें और पहुंचाए ।
Fields/Subjects |
Father of all Deciplines in Agriculture |
1 |
Father of Agronomy |
Pitro Decrescenzi |
2 |
Father of Entomology |
William Kirby |
3 |
Father of Horticulture in India |
M.H. Marigowda |
4 |
Father of Plant Physiology |
Stephen hales |
5 |
Father of Plant Pathology (World) |
Heinrich Anton de Bary |
6 |
Father of Plant Pathology in India |
E. J. Butler |
7 |
Father of Soil Science |
Vasily Vasil’evich Dokuchaev |
8 |
Father of Agricultural Extension |
Seaman Knapp |
9 |
Father of Meteorology |
Luke Howard |
10 |
Father of Agricultural Meteorology |
D.N. Walia |
11 |
Father of Chemistry |
Antoine Lavoisier |
12 |
Father of Agricultural Chemistry |
Justus Von Liebig |
13 |
Father of of Agro Climatology |
Koppen |
14 |
Father of Tillage |
Jethro tull |
15 |
Father of Genetics |
Greger John Mendal |
16 |
Father of Botany |
Theophrastus |
17 |
Father of Biology |
Aristotle |
18 |
Father of Crop Rotation |
Nor Fork |
19 |
Father of Cytoplasmic Inheritance |
Carl Correns |
20 |
Father of Cytology |
Robert Hooke |
21 |
Father of Ecology |
Reiter |
22 |
Father of Extension |
J.P. Leagans |
23 |
Father of Extension Education in India |
Dr. K.N. Singh |
24 |
Father of University Extension |
James Stewart |
25 |
Father of Forest Pathology |
Robert Haring |
26 |
Father of Natural Farming |
Masanobu Fukuoka |
27 |
Father of Organic Farming |
Albert Howard |
28 |
Father of Fermentation |
Louis Pasture |
29 |
Father of Fruit and Vegetable preservation |
Nicolas Appert |
30 |
Father of Genetic Engineering |
Paul Berg |
31 |
Father of Golden Rice |
Dr.Ingo Potrykus |
32 |
Father of Hybrid Rice |
Yuan Longping |
33 |
Father of Hybrid Cotton |
C.T. Patel |
34 |
Father of Indian Plant Breeding |
Dr. B.P. Pall |
35 |
Father of Remote Sensing |
Pisharoth Rama Pisharoty |
36 |
Father of Indian Remote Sensing |
Dr. P.R. Pishroty |
37 |
Father of Microbiology |
A.V. Leeuwenhoek |
38 |
Father of Mutation Theory |
Hugo De Vries |
39 |
Father of Nematology |
N.A. Cobb |
40 |
Father of Ornamental Gardening |
M.S. Randhawa |
41 |
Father of Nitrogen Fixation |
Winogradesky |
42 |
Father of Plant Tissue Culture |
G. Haberland |
43 |
Father of Plant Anatomy |
Nehemiah Grew |
44 |
Father of Pedology |
V.V. Dokuchalev |
45 |
Father of Sociology |
August Compte |
46 |
Father of Green Revolution (World) |
Dr. N.E. Borlaug |
47 |
Father of Green Revolution in India |
M.S. Swaminathan |
48 |
Father of Golden Revolution |
Nirpakh Tutaj |
49 |
Father of Golden Revolution in India |
Dr. K.L. Chadda |
50 |
Father of Yellow Revolution |
Sam pitroda
51 |
Mother of Silver Revolution |
Indira Gandhi |
अगर आप कृषि (Agriculture) से जुड़े छोटे-छोटे सामान्य ज्ञान (GK ) के पैक्ट्स (Facts) रोज जानना चाहते हैं तो हमारे Instagram और Facebook Page को Follow और Like 👍 जरूर कीजिएगा । – AGRIFIELDEA
Good collection