History of Agriculture Download PDF

History of Agriculture

History of Agriculture


इसका PDF डाउनलोड करें – History of Agriculture 👇

Introduction –

Brief description –

Agriculture is the main occupation of Indian people. Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy.

It provides employment to 60 to 70 percente of total indian population and the contribution of Agriculture in Indian economy is 16.5% (GVA 2019-20).

Agriculture provides food and fodder to non-agricultural sector and India is the major Agriculture producer country in the world.


 About to Indian Agriculture – 

● Total Geographical area of India is –  328.74 million hac.

● Total reporting area of India is – 306 million hac.

● Total degraded land of India is – 187 million hac.

● Gross cropped area of India is – 195 million hac.

● Net cropped area of India is – 141.40 million hac.

● Gross irrigated area of India is – 76 million hac.

● Net irrigated area of India is – 59 Million hac.

● Cropping intensity of India is –138%

● Forest area of India is – 20.4% of total geographical area

● State having highest geographical area in India – Rajasthan

● The state which is second in geographical area – Madhy pradesh

● Highest forest area in the state – Madhya Pradesh

● Annual world precipitation is – 1000 mm

● Average annual rainfall of India – 1190 mm

● Maximum area under irrigation is in – Ganga basin

● Optimum forest area required –  33% of geographical area

● Maximum area under drip irrigation is in – Maharashtra

● Maximum area under sprinkler irrigation is in – Rajasthan

● Per hactare Highest fertilizer consumption rate – Punjab (266 kg/ ha.)

● Total Highest fertilizer consumption State – Utter Pradesh


 History of Indian Agriculture –   

The origin of Agriculture is as old as humen civilization

The history of Agriculture in India dates back to indus valley civilization Era and even before that in some parts of southern India.

Vedic literature provides some of the earliest written record of Agriculture in India.

Rigveda hymns, for example- describing plowing, fallowing, irrigation, fruit and vegetable cultivation.


 ◆History of Ancient Agriculture – 

Important events –

● 10000 BC – Domestication of dog for hunting in Iran and Israel

● 8700 BC – Domestication of sheep

● 7700 BC – Domestication of goat

● 7500 BC – Cultivation of what and barley begin.

● 6000 BC – Domestication of cattle and pigs

● 4400 BC – Cultivation of maize

● 4000 BC – Cultivation of rice

● 3500 BC – Cultivation of potato

● 3400 BC – Wheel was invented

● 3000 BC – Bronze was used to make tools

● 2900 BC – plough was invented irrigated farming was started.

● 2700 BC – silk moth domestication in China

● 2300 BC – cultivation of chickpea pea sarson and cotton

● 2200 BC – domestication of buffalo

● 1800 BC – cultivation of finger millet (ragi)

● 1725 BC – cultivation of sorghum

● 1500 BC – cultivation of sugarcane, irrigation from Wells

● 543 – 491 BC – reference to farming operations in kulluwagah and mahavagga and Buddhist literature in Pali

● 900 – 1000 A.D – construction of anicuts and tanks. Krishi parashara and vrikshayurveda, manuals on agriculture and botany written,test book on agriculture prepared by kashyapa by the name krishisukti.

● 1600 century A.D. – introduction of several crops in to India by Portuguese they are potato, sweet potato, arrowroot, cassava, tomato, chillies, pumpkin, papaya, pineapple, Guava, Casturd Apple, groundnut, tobacco, cashew nut, American cotton, rubber.


◆ History of Modern Indian Agriculture –

Important events, –


● 1871- joint department of revenue agriculture and commerce established.

● 1874 – severe famine in Bihar

● 1875 – Indian meteorological department IMD established at Pune Maharashtra.

● 1876 – famine in Madras and Bombay presidencies

● 1877 – women in Punjab Central province 10 lakh died

● 1880 – Simon commission appointed

● 1882 – veterinary college established at Lahore now in Pakistan

● 1891- dr. J.A. volcker’s report on improvement of Indian agriculture

● 1899-1900 – severe famine name chhappaniya akal

● 1901-1905 – agricultural colleges were established at Pune, Kanpur, sabour, Nagpur, Lyallapur and Coimbatore.

● 1901- appointed first irrigation commission

● 1903 – model village (rural reconstruction) scheme by Daniel Hamilton.

● 1905 – established the Imperial (now known is Indian) Agricultural research institute .

● 1906 – forest research institute FRI at Dehradun

● 1919 – constitutional reforms made agriculture as a state subject

● 1920 – Gurgaon project by FL Brayne

● 1921 – sriniketan project by r n Tagore

● 1921 – marthandam project by Spencer hach

● 1921 – sevagram project by mahatma Gandhi.

● 1921 – Indian Central cotton committee (ICCC)

● 1926 – appointment of royal commission on agriculture headed by lord linlithgow.

● 1929 – establishment of Imperial (now Indian) council of agricultural Research ICAR New Delhi.

● 1931 – Indian Central law committee (ICLC)

● 1936 – Indian Central jute committee

● 1940 – monthly magazine Indian farming started by Impirial (Indian) council of agricultural Research, New Delhi

● 1942 – department of food created.

● 1942 – grow more food campaign started (failed and again started in 1947)

● 1943 – great Bengal famine

● 1944 – Indian Central sugarcane committee (ICSC)

● 1945 – Indian Central tobacco committee (ICTC)

● 1945 – Indian Central coconut committee

● 1945 – Indian village service established by B.N. Gupta

● 1946 – directorate of plant protection quarantine and storage (DPPQ&S) – Faridabad Haryana

● 1946 – Central rice Research institute (CRRI) Cuttack Odisha

● 1946-47 – firka development by Madras state by t prakashan and D tharugad.

● 1947 – Indian Central oilseed committee.

● 1948 – mazdur manzil andolan at nilokheri by SK dey.

● jan.1948 – (GATT) general agreement on tariffs and trade

● 1948 – etawah pilot project by Albert Mayer.

● 2nd oct. 1952 – community development programme was launched

● 2nd oct. 1953 – started National extension services (NES)

● 1956 – project for intensification of regional research on cotton oil seeds millets.

● 1957 – all India co-ordinated maize improvement project.

● 1958 – status of deemed university accorded to IAARI under UGC act, 1956.

● Oct. 1958 – NAFED National agricultural cooperative marketing federation.

● 1960 – first agricultural university in India established, G.B. pant university of Agriculture and technology at pantnagar on the pattern of land grant system of USA.

● 1960-61 – intensive agriculture district programme (IADP)

● 1963 – establishment of National seed corporation (NSC)

● 1964 – intensive cattle development project (ICDP).

● 1965 – first DG or vice president of ICAR Dr. B.P. Paul

● 1965 – all India crop research & improvement projects were started on other crops as well as in other areas of research.

● 1965 – National demonstration programme (NDP)

● 1966 – high yielding varieties programme started.

● 1966 – establishment of directorate of extension.

● 1966-67 – green revolution started

● 1967-68 – farmers training and education centre

● 1969 – second irrigation commission

● 1970 – National commission on agriculture

● 1971 – all India coordinated project for dryland agriculture

● 1971 – small farmers development agency (AFDA)

● 1971 – marginal farmers and agricultural labour project

● 1973 – creation of department of agricultural Research and education (DARE) in the ministry of Agriculture

● 1973 – started agricultural Research service (ARS)

● 1st nov.1973 – establishment of agricultural scientist requirement board (ASRB) based on recommendation of G. gadkarre report

● 1973 – Tiger project started

● 1973-74 – drought prone area programme (DPAP)

● 1974 – training and visit system (T&V) formulated by Daniel Benor

● 1974 – command area development authority (CADA)

● 1974 – India’s first krishi vigyan Kendra (kvk) established. Mohan Singh Mehta committee recommended (Pondicherry under TNAU, Coimbatore)

● 1975 – started 20 points programme

● 1976 – antyodaya yojana.

● 1976 – National academy of agricultural Research and management (NAARM), Hyderabad

● 1976 – ashok Mehta committee proposed 2 tiers Panchayat Raj system

● 1976 – National rural employment programme (NREP)

1977-78 – desert development programme (DDP)

● April, 1978 – integrated rural development programme (IRDP) launched in financial year 1978 and extended throughout India by 1980

● 1979 – training for rural youth for self employment (TRYSEM)

● 1st june, 1979 – lab to land programme (LLP) on the ICAR golden jubilee year.

● 1980 – National rural employment programme (NREP)

● 1982 – development of women and children in rural areas (DWCRA)

● 1982 – council of advancement of people’s action and rural technology (CAPART)

● 12th july 1982 – National bank for Agriculture and rural development (NABARD)

● 1983 – National agricultural extension project (NAEP)

● 1985 – crop insurance scheme (CIS) now National agricultural insurance scheme (NAIS)

● 1986 – technology mission on oilseed (TMO)

● 1986 – National watershed development programme for rainfed areas

● 1986 – National agricultural Research project phase – 2

● 1988 – special food production program

● 1989 – integrated watershed development programme

● 1994 –mahila samridhi yojana

● 1995 – institutional village linkage programme (IVLP)

● 1996 – establishment of national gene bank at New Delhi

● 1998 – National agricultural technology project (NATP)

● 1998-99 – kisan credit card scheme.

● 1999-2000 – National agricultural insurance (NAIS)

● 2004 – inauguration of national agricultural science complex at New Delhi

● 2004 – marine fishing policy

● 2004 – National commission on farmers constituted on November 18 2004 under the chairmanship of professor M.s. swaminathan.

● May 2005 – National horticulture mission (NHM)

● 2006-07 – National bamboo mission

● August 2007 – Rashtriya krishi Vikas yojana (RKVY)

● 2014 – NHM merged into a new program mission for integrated development of horticulture (MIDH).


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इसका PDF डाउनलोड करें – History of Agriculture  👇 


◆ Reference –

Information included in this blog post has been prepared after the analysis of the content received from the Comptitive Book of Agriculture and other credible sources.


◆ Conclusion –

So, finnaly we have discussed our topics wich are- about to indian Agriculture, history of Agriculture in india and important Agricultural events in Agriculture. I hope you get a clear understanding about everything in this article.

If you want to ask anything, commenting down below. Thank you.


 ● Also Read – 

1. Agriculture Revolutions कृषि क्रांतियां

2. Seed Dormancy/ बीज सुसुप्तावस्था

3. Other Famous Names of Crops & Vegetables (Table)

4. What is Sustainable Agriculture. (हिंदी)

5. Vermicomposting / केंचुआ खाद (पूरी जानकारी)


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