RHEO Syllabus PDF | ग्रामीण उद्यान विस्तार अधिकारी RHEO सिलेबस 2024 | CG Vyapam RHEO Syllabus free PDF

RHEO (ग्रामीण उद्यान विस्तार अधिकारी) परीक्षा छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य में ग्रामीण उद्यान विस्तार अधिकारियों की भर्ती के लिए एक राज्य स्तरीय प्रतियोगी परीक्षा है। यह परीक्षा छत्तीसगढ़ व्यावसायिक परीक्षा बोर्ड (CG Vyapam) द्वारा आयोजित किया जाता है।

ग्रामीण उद्यान विस्तार अधिकारी भर्ती (RHEO Syllabus) परीक्षा एक बहुविकल्पीय वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रकार की परीक्षा है जिसमें कुल 200 प्रश्न होते हैं तथा प्रत्येक प्रश्न एक अंक का होता है, अर्थात कुल 200 अंक।

ग्रामीण उद्यान विस्तार अधिकारी सिलेबस 2023 | CG RHEO Syllabus PDF Download | CG Vyapam RHEO Syllabus PDF


CG RHEO Syllabus 

CG RHEO परीक्षा के पाठ्यक्रम (CG RHEO Syllabus) में कृषि तथा बागवानी विषय से सम्बद्ध विषयों के विभिन्न पाठ्यक्रम शामिल है, जिसका विवरण विस्तार पूर्वक नीचे किया गया है।

CG RHEO Syllabus PDF Download” के इस लेख में आपका स्वागत है! यदि आप CG RHEO (Rural Horticulture Extension Officer) परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे हैं, तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह पर आए हैं। 

इस लेख में, हम RHEO (ग्रामीण उद्यानिकी विस्तार अधिकारी) पाठ्यक्रम पीडीएफ का एक व्यापक संग्रह प्रदान करते हैं जिसे आप अपनी सुविधानुसार आसानी से डाउनलोड और एक्सेस कर सकते हैं। 


CG RHEO Syllabus Overview

Recruitment board CG Vyapam (Chhattisgarh Vyavasayik Pariksha Mandal – Raipur)
Post name RHEO (Rural Horticulture Extension Officer)
Total Question 200
Total Marks 200
Category Syllabus
Job location Chhattisgarh


CG Vyapam RHEO Syllabus PDF Overview

File Name CG RHEO Syllabus PDF
PDF Size 522 KB
PDF Quality Very Good
Total Pages 2
Category Rural Horticulture Extension Officer (RAEO) Syllabus PDF
Language English
Download Available
Source Internet, CG Vyapam

PDF Download link

इन्हें भी पढ़िए –



Unit 1 – (10 Marks)

• General Scenario of Agrlculture & Horticulture in lndia & Chhattisgarh: ProdLtction productivity in lmportant horticulture & agriculture crops of lndia & Chhattisgarh, Name of ICAR institution
for Agriculture, Horticulture and Agricultural Engineering, their
abbreviations and locatlon, Narne of state Agriculture & Horticulture
University and their locations.


Unit 2 – (20 Marks)

• Principles of fruit & vegetable preservation, processlng,
addition and post harvest rnanagement of Horticultural crops {fruits, vegetables, flower crops).

• Crop drying – basic concepts, types, terminology, dryers – types and
working, cleaning and grading of fruits, vegetables and suitabie

• Storage of Agricultural and Horticultural crops, Storage structure.


Unit 3 – (25 Marks)

• Protected cultivation ofhorticultural crop and their management.

• Green House – Application, types, Design criteria, equipments and systems for green house.


Unit 4 – (25 Marks)

• Soils and its types, role of soil analysis in crop production.

• Surveying – types, methods and procedures, equipments.

• Soil erosion – types and control measures.

• Methods of irrigation and drainage in crop production.

• lrrigation management, weed managernent, fertility management
in horticulture crops.

• lrrigation – basic concepts, methods, water lifting devices, irrigation
water measurement – methods and instruments.


Unit 5 – (30 Marks)

• Role of biotechnology and tissue culture in crop improvement.

• Plant breeding and its role in agriculture, hybrizaIon and selection ln
crop plants, use of male sterility and self incompatibility in crops

improvement programrne. Use of transgenic technology in

• Breeding of Fruits, vegetables, tuber, splces & condiments and flower
crops. Use of biotechnology in improvement of horticultural crops. Seed production ofvegetables, tubers, splces and flower crops.


Unit 6 – (25 Marks)

• lmportance of pathogenic organisms, types of plant diseases and
their management, methods of application of fungicides.

• lntegrated pest management in field crops major insects pests and
their control in cereals, pulses and oilseed crops.

• Weed management in economically important field crops. lntegrated
approaches of weed rranagement in crops.

• Insect pest management and IPM practlces in horticultural crops.
disease- management and physiological disorders ln horticultural crops.

• Intercultural and plant protectlon equipment, utilization and repair
and maintenance.


Unit 7 – (30 Marks)

• Scope and importance of agriculture, elements of crop procluction
and agriculturaily related crop revolution in lndia.

• Scope and importance of agronomy, classification of crops, nutrients and its managerrent, cropping system.

• Agro-techniques for production of Kharif and Rabi crops.

• lmportance of Horticultural crops, classification area and production,
nursery rnanagement & propagation of hor cultural crops. planning,
layout and management of orchards, systems of planting, types of vegetables farming, types & style of gardens, landscaping, trimming
& pruning. Use of growth regulators in horticulture crops.

• Cropping system, inter cropping, multi-tier cropping, per!urban
horticulture and agro-forestry systerns, fruitfulness and unfruitfulness, rejuvenation of old Orchard, production technology of fruit, vegetables, tuber, spices & condiments and ornamental & flower crops, mulching, staking.

• Apiculture, Lac cuiture, sericulture and mushroom culture.


Unit 8 – (25 Marks)

• Farm power sources, l.C. Engines – Type of engines, working
principle, constructional details, engine terminologv, .lifferent
systems of l.C. Engines.

• Tractors – types, selection of tractor, cost calculation, Different
systems oftractors, Power tiller and its attachments.

• Tillage – concept, types, tillage irnplements, constructional details,
machines and implements for sowing planting, transplanting,
harvesting, threshing, land development – equipments.

• Electric motors – types, construction and performance comparison.


Unit 9 – (10 Marks)

• Basic energy concepts, energy sources, classification, solar energy,
energy from biomass, wind energy, bio-fuel and other non renewable energy sources, different equipments and gadgets of non
conventional energy, their types, working etc.



अस्वीकरण – 

Agrifieldea के पास पुस्तकों के पीडीएफ, प्रश्न पत्र और अन्य पीडीएफ का स्वामित्व नहीं है, हम केवल इंटरनेट पर और Google ड्राइव में पहले से मौजूद लिंक प्रदान करते हैं, केवल शिक्षा के उद्देश्यों के लिए। यदि किसी भी तरीके से यह कानून का उल्लंघन करता है या किसी भी समस्या का सामना करता है, तो कृपया हमें मेल करें – agrifieldea@gmail.com



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